Wildlife Conservation Fund

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Wildlife Conservation and Research Program

Wildlife conservation is one of the most important component of the organization, as they ensure life on earth. Nepal’s outstanding biodiversity also needs urgent attention and call for action. RSTCA believes in conservation of the wildlife beyond national parks. It focuses on areas with high priority for biodiversity in all possible areas like ponds, lakes, parks, urban settings to name a few.

RSTCA believes in – “A species protected is a heritage maintained”.Wildlife Conservation and Research Program

We help in conservation of wildlife, nature, conservation area and special zone.

Environmental Education Program

Education is an essential component of environment conservation. It is an environmental education program aimed to contribute to higher awareness and behavioral change towards responsible natural resource use in Nepal by promoting a more hands-on Environmental Education (EE) in schools.

RSTCA has built a unique presence in the Nepali education sector as a leader in Interactive Environmental Education in the country through NPP’s several initiatives. NPP focuses on bridging gaps between plans and implementation in the Environmental Education (EE) system of Nepal while advocating interactive methodologies and pedagogy for effective EE.

RSTCA has been working extensively to improve the quality of Environmental Education for children in line with its mission is to involve local communities, civil societies, scientific communities and conservationists in environment protection and sustainable use of natural resources so that the benefits accrued from sustainable livelihoods and safe environment reaches the grass root level.

NPP Team has also conducts sensitization classes on biodiversity, climate change, natural resource management and sustainable development to varied institutions of civil society and governmental organizations like community forest committees, judiciary bodies, enforcement agencies like the Nepal Army, Nepal Armed Police Force, Nepal Police to name a few. NPP works with its highly dedicated and competent team of Nature Interpreters and Volunteers who travel through Nepal in mobile nature school to promote interactive EE and instigate interest among local communities in conservation at local level. NPP uses different mediums for advocating environmental protection as well such as nature photography, art, music, movie and radio.

RSTCA IEE program has reached to 40 of the 77 districts in Nepal. Its Eco-Teacher Network has also spread across all these districts with more than 1700 membership.

NPP is run in collaboration with partners like Danish Forestry Extension, the Government of Nepal, Municipalities and Schools. In addition, it has made alliances with several leading national and international organizations to work on EE and environmental protection.Environmental Education Program

Climate Change and Disaster Action

Climate change remains a continuous threat to Nepal making it the fourth-most vulnerable countries in the world to it while adversely impacting forests and its different production systems and also affecting livelihoods of local forest users. RSTCA focuses on the development of the rural communities’ natural resource management and entrepreneurial skills so that forests are conserved and communities become more climate resilient while at the same time socio-economic status is enhanced. This program aims in promoting sustainable alternative livelihood to people living near ecologically important area including adaptation and mitigation to climate change in urban and rural settings. We support local communities to improve their environmental, economic, and social resilience against the climate change adversities.Climate Change and Disaster Action

Public Engagement for Green Lifestyles

Public awareness plays a significant role in engaging the common man in mainstream conservation and to secure healthy environment for all. Therefore, RSTCA is prioritizing public engagement and outreach for sustainable and greener lifestyles by focusing on using varied tools like art, nature photography, radio, movies, wide tree plantation in public spaces in order to bring people from different background and from different age to a common platform.

This is focused in empowering the youth and community through innovative programs and activities that instigates interest in conservation and environment protection and mobilizes them to pursue knowledge and practices that can lead to more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible decisions and lifestyles. It also focuses on galvanizing action through promotion of citizen science and public private partnerships.

RSTCA encourages and involves youth from various educational background in its activities through volunteer recruitment program. Youth are the pillars of RSTCA activities. WCN has been developing and testing innovative and mobile concept contributing to the urban as well as rural youth of Nepal’s understanding the importance of conservation of the natural heritage of Nepal inside and outside protected areas and to promote natural resource management, influencing as well their families as local society in general.Public Engagement for Green Lifestyles

Projects are

  1. Waste Management
  2. Plastic Management
  3. Plantation
  4. Wildlife Conservation
  5. Environmental Impact Assessment

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