How Can You Join?

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Join our membership program and get lots of opportunity.
  1. Member: Become a Members and Work with Us on our Programs
  2. Patron: Share your knowledge with us
  3. Trustee: Share your assets and resources with us
  4. Program Coordinator:  Share your expertise and management skills with us
  5. Volunteer: Work with us closely
  6. Donor: Support us for our Program and Work in collaboration
  7. Adviser: Support us with your knowledge and experience
  8. Management Team: Work with us to manage our office

to join us please do mail us at or

Payment Option

To pay your membership amount and make a impact, please do use the following link given below:

  1. Paypal:
No description available.
  1. Bank: Account Number: 0130100798500001 , Account Name: R.S.T.C.A. Foundation, Kumari Bank Limited, SWIFT: KMBLNPKA, Durbarmarg, Kathmandu, Nepal
  2. E Sewa: +9779840200230
  3. I Pay: +9779840200230
  4. Khalti: +9779840200230
  5. Donate via FonePay: +9779840200230
  6. Cash: Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal

If you also have a project in mind where we can work on collaboration then we are open to it please do mail us at

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